Frequently asked questions

Here are some questions we frequently get asked. Didn't get what you are looking for? Feel free to shoot us an email at the address below!
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What are "PPLNS Points"?
"PPLNS points" are gathered by each individual farmer (or unique launcher id) and the number of points depends on the total plots space. Everytime a partial issent to the pool, the farmer receives some points. The pool automatically calculates the total number of points gathered by all farmers in the pool in the last 12 hand distributes the rewards accordingly. For example, when a block is found by the pool, if you have 10% of the total pool points, you will get 10% of the block reward.
I do not have any chia in my wallet to join a pool, How do I get some?
To start farming, you will need to have at least 1 mojo in your Chia wallet in order to join the Chia pool. If you do not have any, go to to claim it to your wallet address.
How does the pool prove that members actually have the amount of space they have?
The pool does not need to know the amount of space you have. Your plots generate partials (partial solutions), and they are uploaded to the pool. The pool will never ask or trust anyone claiming to have some amount of space and instead collects cryptographically signed partials that prove that you needed the space to generate this partial. When the pool is assigned a reward, we look back at how many partials each user has submitted and divided the reward accordingly.
What are the pool fees?
Currently we charge 1% pool fees to keep our pool running. If a reward of 1.75 XCH is found, only 1% of that, 0.0175 will be kept to the pool as a fee. Fees will normally be collected before crediting your “Unpaid Balance”.
Sync issues? Need to forward port 8444?
When are farming payouts sent?
Payout threshold as low as 0.01 XCH, payments are made out daily, and transaction fee is covered by the pool.
What type of plots does the pool support?
The pool supports k32, k33, k34, and k35 plots.